
This project aims to explore COVID-19 statistics using SQL queries. The data used in this project is sourced from the PortfolioProject database, containing information about COVID deaths and vaccinations across various locations and continents.

Link to the project 👉 COVID Statistics Data Exploration Project

Picture of KOBU Agency in Unsplash

SQL Queries Used

1. Data Retrieval

  • CovidDeaths: Fetches data on COVID deaths by continent.
  • CovidVaccinations: Retrieves data on COVID vaccinations.

2. Analysis

  • Likelihood of Death: Calculates the likelihood of death if contracting COVID-19 in a specific country.
  • Percentage of Population Infected: Shows the percentage of the population infected by COVID-19 in a specific country.
  • Highest Infection Rate by Population: Identifies countries with the highest infection rate compared to their population.
  • Countries with Highest Death Count per Population: Lists countries with the highest death count per population.
  • Death Count by Continent: Displays the total death count by continent.
  • Rolling Vaccination Count: Calculates the rolling count of people vaccinated against COVID-19.

3. Data Visualization

  • View Creation: Creates a view named PercentPopulationVaccinated to store data for later visualizations.

Key Findings

  • The analysis revealed significant variations in COVID-19 death rates and vaccination rates across different countries and continents.
  • Certain countries exhibited higher infection rates and death counts per population, indicating the severity of the pandemic’s impact.
  • Vaccination efforts varied widely, with some countries achieving higher vaccination rates compared to others.


This project provides valuable insights into the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on different regions worldwide. By analyzing death rates, infection rates, and vaccination efforts, it contributes to understanding the global response to the pandemic and informs decision-making processes.